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Garlic Aioli

This incredible mayo came to me one day when Texas was in the middle of the worst drought in a hundred years. I was out in the field asking GOD to help me figure out what to do. Everything was too hot and seemed so hopeless. All of a sudden I heard this big booming voice out of nowhere that said, “Well, you’ve got a lot of chickens back there don’t ya?” I keeled over backwards screaming MAYONNAISE… laughing and crying at the same time…you know those moments- it was a Divine Appointment I tell ya~


As alfredo sauce, on sandwiches and hamburgers, unbelievable in deviled eggs or potato salad. Spreads like butter on foccachio bread and on the grill…oh yeah. It’s a wonderful on salmon, chicken & even eggplant. Our favorite lately is in omelets. The best you’ve ever tasted! A jar can last up to 4 months in the fridge….but not at our house!!! I use it as Hollandaise on poached eggs, make homemade organic tartar sauce when we’re having fried shrimp…Talk about versatile!!!

We have many more ideas on our recipe page and are always adding more!

Garlic Aioli

1 Pound

    You can order any combination of at least 2 jars!
    Orders of just 1 jar can be cancelled and refunded.


    Kathleen fulfills the orders fresh and ships the jars out once a week! 
    Once shipped, the jars can take 2-3 business days to arrive. Along with the shipping cost there will also be a packaging fee of $13.99 per order.


    A jar can last up to 4 months in the fridge!

  • Availability-October-March-Cannot ship April-Sept


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